EU Artificial Intelligence Act

eu artificial intelligence act

EU Artificial Intelligence Act

In June of this year, The European Union (EU) has made history by introducing the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, the world’s first comprehensive law aimed at regulating artificial intelligence (AI).

What does the EU Artificial Intelligence Act mean for businesses?

A distinctive feature of the AI Act is its classification of AI systems based on their associated risks, which subsequently determines the required mandates for their development and application.

Through this legislation, the EU not only strives for technological advancement but also seeks to ensure that AI respects ethical standards and human rights.

How will the Act affect your business?

This tool, while not an official instrument, can help give an indication about what obligations your system might face:

Does your business need to pay attention to the Act?

While at present this is solely an EU law, it is worth considering the impact of the Act on your business operations, as it is possible the essence of the Act may be implemented in other countries.

Also, while a business may be located in the USA, for example, any entity that develops, markets, or uses AI systems within the European Union should be familiar with the Act’s regulations to ensure compliance – that includes if you have apps on the app stores that are available worldwide.

~ Bella

Ms Bella St John